Old Louisville Sustainable Neighborhood Organizing Potluck
6 PM Thursday, December 4th, 2008
1274 S Floyd, #2, Louisville, KY, USA 40208
Gathering to meet folks interested in organizing sustainable neighborhoods associations in Louisville, particularly in the Old Louisville area.
For more information call 502 432 7690 or email eternal3rdparty AT yahoo.com
Here is the Agenda from the first Old Louisville Neighborhood Potluck - Feel free to use this and other materials from this website ( www.sustainableneighborhoods.blogspot.com ) and resource list in building your own sustainable neighborhood or ecovillage group.
Tuesday, December 4, 2008
Neighborhood Sustainability With Process in Mind
Name, Neighborhood - Sustainable Idea or Project
Ecovillages and Sustainable Neighborhoods - Quick Overview
What is a Sustainable Neighborhood?
Neighborhood Democracy
Living Machines
Placed Based Sustainable Neighborhoods Groups
Green Mapping
Urban Gardens and Urban Ecology
Neighborhood Ecology Tours
Cooperatives and other forms of organizations
Demonstration sites
Where do we go from here?
People and Places - Including our neighbors
Sister Neighborhoods
Building the Green Institute and other support systems
The long now
The initial action outcomes from the December 4 meeting include:
1) Confirmed the organization of the Old Louisville Green Neighborhood Group
2) Scheduled next potluck and meeting for 6 pm, Tuesday, January 8, 2009 at 1370 S Third St, Louisville, KY, USA 40204
3) Started an Ecovillage Design Education ( http://gaiaeducation.org ) action / learning project for the neighborhood
4) Began exploring alternative currency, cooperative, and other neighborhood sustainable economics models
5) Formed a Living Machines working group ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Living_machines ) aimed at providing demo units in neighborhoods throughout the region.
6) Started a community communications project with notes and documentation from Old Louisville Green going towards powerpoint, web and other media outreach for the January meeting.
7) Confirmed interest in Green Institute neighborhood training, Green Convene networking and Sustainable Louisville community organizing.
December 8, 2008:
Ever Green - Sustainable Neighborhood Organizing Meeting -
Clifton/Crescent Hill/Clifton Heights Neighborhoods network
2132 Frankfort Ave.
Louisville, KY 40206
Located on Frankfort Avenue right behind the Bike Couriers Bike Shop. Where the railroad tracks cross Frankfort. We face the Clifton Center
(502) 690-4224
RSVP: earthenirvana AT gmail.com
More info: http://www.earthenirvana.com/menu.html

Here are informal notes from the last meeting: The November Ever Green meeting was a great success, filling the conference room at Earthenirvana to overflowing with neighborhood activists who share a common commitment to sustainability in these neighborhoods that cover the major watersheds above the Butchertown confluence of Beargrass Creek.
Neighbors at the meeting committed to establishing sidewalk recycling bins on Frankfort Ave., and to exploring the use of green maps as tools for everyone in the neighborhood to participate in neighborhood planning and action for sustainability. Matt Martin of Earthenirvana committed to placing the first few bins, Pat Brinson will be following up with contacting Metro Council, and David Silverman will be working on sustainable community maps for the next meeting.
Many other ideas were discussed, from the need for open and inclusive self organizing rather than more traditional forms as a model for Ever Green, to actions neighbors can undertake now, such as orcharding, edible landscaping, shared composting, co-op housing beekeeper training, solar retrofit, energy efficiency improvements and so on, to those activites which will require political commitment and longer term planning, such as light rail and more. Another action emerging from the meeting is to followup on the Community Ecology model for total recycling developed this winter, with members of FABA (Frankfort Av. Business Association) and SBCN (Sustainable Business and Community Networks) taking the lead.
Neighbors will continue to meet and take steps towards sustainability, to be further developed into action items in coming weeks.
December 9, 2008
Highlands Green Sustainable Neighborhoods Organizing Network Meeting
Louisville, KY USA
5:30 - 7 PM Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Ray's Monkey House
1578 Bardstown Road, Louisville,, KY USA 40204
502 459 4373
Contact: Josh Wilcox, 860 358 1283 or Lisa Carlon Underhill, enviroecoculture@bellsouth.net
6 pm Saturday, December 13 , 2008
Eastern Jefferson County and Oldham County Gathering: Pee Wee Valley Green - Sustainable Neighborhood Organizing Meeting / Potluck
212 Elm Ave,
Pee Wee Valley KY 40056
Contact: Angela Kortz Funke, 502 241 4631 / 502 241 8250, kortzfunkeatty@cs.com
A holiday potluck on greening our neighborhood and community -- What you can offer, what the community can do.
Bring your stories of what you are doing or would like to do to green your household or business, and ideas for the neighborhood. Bring examples, photographs, drawing - what you're doing, what you'd like to share.
We'll have good food and good conversation, with examples and ideas from:
Sustainable Louisville Working Group - Greening neighborhoods and growing ecovillages
Kim Robertson, LMT - Massage therapy and accupressure for self care; Starting winter gardens.
Grace Koenig - Realtor, Co-Founder, Amazing Grace Natural Food Store - Growing sustainable business and living green
Philip ? - Building your own biomass stove for home heatingOthers invited - Have something to share? RSVP to Angela Kortz Funke, 502 241 4631 / 502 241 8250, kortzfunkeatty@cs.com
December, 2008 TBA
Park DuValle Sustainable Neighborhood Organizing Meeting
December, 2008 TBA
Smoketown Green - Sustainable Neighborhood Organizing Meeting
December, 2008 TBA
Butchertown Green - Sustainable Neighborhood Organizing Meeting
December, 2008 TBA
Germantown Green - Sustainable Neighborhood Organizing Meeting
Portland Green - Sustainable Neighborhood Organizing Meeting
January, 2008, TBA:
St. Catherine Street Neighborhood Association Sustainability Committee
Louisville, KY, USA
Contact: Steve Sizemore, 502 290 7623
January, 2008 TBA
Sustainable Neighborhoods Organizing Workshop
Louisville Free Public Library, Main Branch
Fourth and York Streets
Louisville, KY, USA
Contact: Brent Tennel 502 619 4352